Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wedded Bliss
Three years ago today I married my best friend...
...and I can honestly say that it truly has been "wedded bliss." The past three years have been wonderful and I cant wait to see where the Lord leads us in the future!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Ready to RUN!
This weekend I ran my first 5K! I have been wanting to do something to get into better shape for a while but haven't really been motivated. About a month ago one of my best friends, Brittany, and I talked about wanting to do a half marathon--so we decided we would try to train. So we picked out a 5K and signed up!!! We had about 3 weeks to train but with a week of rain and no gym membership I only ended up running several (about 4) times before the race. I figured the adrenaline of running a race and running with someone else would get me through.....boy was I WRONG! This race was alot harder that I was expecting....it was a cross country race so we ran on grass and it was really hilly in some parts. I learned a good lesson that you cant just do anything because you put your mind to it....you have to train and work hard first so you are prepared! Dont get me wrong, it was fun, but next race I will train harder and be better prepared! Overall though I was proud because I finished....and I ran (mostly) all of it! Here are some pics from the day....

Starting the race--we were super excited here...believe me about 5 minutes in the excitement had dwindled :)
Britt and I finishing the race...she was an AWESOME race buddy. I had to stop after about a mile or so and take a potty break (believe me it could NOT wait) so she went on and ran ahead. But after she finished she met me near the end and finished the last few tenths of a mile with me--I would not have made it without her!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Party Time!!!!
Last Saturday I got to celebrate graduation by having a GRADUATION PARTY!!!! My sweet in laws were gracious enough to host it! It was so nice seeing and celebrating with all my closest family and friends! Thanks to everyone for all your love, support, and friendship!!!

Me and my girls :) (I would have gotten a pic with mine and all of their hubbies too but they were pre-occupied playing frisbee golf!)

My MIL fell and hurt her knee before the party so she was on couch arrest...and let me tell you she did NOT like that! :)
Sweet Avery and Callum loved each other--Cal kept hugging and kissing her...it was so cute!
Me and my girls :) (I would have gotten a pic with mine and all of their hubbies too but they were pre-occupied playing frisbee golf!)
Me and some of the fam
Cell group girls....of course Emma and Lily could not be bothered to look at the camera--they were too busy playing with each other!
Me, Becca, and Laurie--some more of my dear friends!
My friend Dawn and I
Little Avery--she was so good for the whole party!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Caps, Gowns, and Hoods!
This weekend I accomplished something that I never thought would actually come....I graduated from graduate school! I now have a Masters of Science in Nursing with emphasis as a Family Nurse Practitioner! Wooooooo Hooooooo! My family and friends were there to celebrate with me on my "hooding" day. It was so great and I felt very loved and supported!! I am super excited--and also alot scared but most of all I am glad to be done!!!

Now....for the party next weekend.....wooooo hoooo!!!! (Then back to studying for boards)
Me walking in....excited?? I think so!
Getting hooded :)
Some of my besties :) So glad you guys could make it!
Me and my awesome momma!
The Castle Crew :)
Joanie Bolognie!
Me and my boo...he has been so supportive and awesome during the whole school time period--I love him...he's the best!
Me and my study buddies...couldnt have gotten through without them!
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