Christmas was great this year! It was mine and Trevor's 2nd Christmas as a married couple, and we got to continue some of the traditions that we started for our family last year...kind of. We actually decided to change one of them. Instead of doing opening Christmas PJ's on Christmas Eve we changed it to opening a book instead. Since Trev is not really a fan of crazy PJ pants and since we both love to read, we thought this could be something fun that we can do, especially when we have kids. We also tried to make cinnamon rolls like last year...but for some reason, my dough didnt rise, so that was scrapped. (Bad yeast maybe?) It was a great Christmas, and we are truly thankful for the birth of Christ!
Vandy and his GINORMOUS bone! He chewed on it forever...and would probably chew on it continually if we would let him.

Showing off my stocking goodies :)

Trev and his presents...isnt the wrapping fantastic ;)

A Christmas pic in front of our tree (well one of them anyways)

After Trevor and I do our Christmas, mom and Delaney come over and do Christmas with us. Then we head to my mom's side of the family for Christmas breakfast. This year was at my cousin Kari's. Here is a pic of me and her oldest boy Hudson.

After we do Christmas with my side of the family we head to the Castles for Christmas lunch/dinner. It was delicious! The best part was that Trevor's parents TOTALLY surprised us with a Wii! Trev has been wanting one for a long time and I was going to get him one for his B-day but they beat me to it...and completely surprised both of us! Not only were his parents involved, but Courtney, Keenan, and my mom were in on it as well. Court got us Wii Sports Resort (which is AWESOME), Keenan got us a Wii motion controller, and mom got us Wii Fit! Needless to say, there will be lots of fun times to come. Here is a pic of Trev playing once we got home...

Me playing basketball--3 pt shot competition (believe it or not, as of right now I hold the record :) but I am sure Trev will change that soon!)

Our Mii's getting ready to face off playing ping pong!

Our game faces...kind of! :) Thanks Castle fam for such a great gift!

I can't believe that Christmas is always seems to sneak up on me now that I am getting older. It was a great one!!!